AFP is a multidisciplinary firm, with the aim of offering comprehensive solutions to our clients. Together with our collaborating firms, we have more than 100 professionals, 20 of whom (and three partners of the Firm) are focused on offering economic-financial advisory services, auditing of annual accounts and consultancy.
AFP is a member of MSI Global Alliance, which allows us to combine our experience and knowledge of the regulatory and business framework in Spain with the ability to provide quality professional services in more than 100 countries. MSI Global Alliance is the world’s eighth largest organisation of audit and consulting firms, with more than 200 firms and 10,000 professionals.
To this end, our mission is to be able to listen carefully to our clients, to understand their problems and situations individually and confidentially, and to work together to find the solutions that best suit their needs.
In order to be able to offer a comprehensive service in the fields of auditing andassurance, consultancy and tax, legal and financial advice, we consider any economic-financial, tax and commercial aspect that may have an impact on business activity. Thanks to this approach, we are able to have a global and integrated perspective of each client and to foresee the necessary actions or measures of a legal-fiscal nature.
Our structure allows us to have specialists in each of the different areas in which we provide services while maintaining close contact between the key personnel of each project and client. Therefore, we believe that the best way to organise our work is to assign a single point of contact who will keep the client informed at all times about any issue related to their cases, be it tax, commercial, labour, procedural, etc.
This method of organisation and communication, which is highly innovative within the framework of Spanish legal services, is only possible with a team of highly qualified professionals. In this way, we believe that recurrent training and technological resources are a fundamental pillar to be able to offer the best service to our clients.

At AFP our values are ethics, quality, professionalism
and efficiency.
Our purpose
Our mission is to be able to listen to and analyse the situation of our clients and work together to find the solutions that best suit their needs.
Comprehensive advice
We have a global and integrated perspective of each client and we foresee any necessary legal and fiscal measures.
Qualified professionals
We have specialists in each of the different areas in which we provide services, coordinated by a single interlocutor who keeps the client informed at all times.
to family
to family

At AFP we are particularly committed to family businesses.
Our team is responsible for tax planning, including inheritance planning, all to optimise our clients’ assets in terms of taxation, structuring and organising their affairs to comply with the tax regulations in force at any given time.
With regard to implementing family agreements, our practice leverages measures and techniques supported by research and experiences obtained at universities and from specialised associations that analyse Family Businesses.